Tour of Time

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Hi, this is Paul again.
Welcome back to my private office.

Time to close the deal.

What an awkward moment,
me eying your $3.99,
while you, with a wary eye,
eye me eyeing your $3.99.

I understand your concern.
With so much free stuff on the internet,
why pay anything,
but what's the worth of $3.99?

Not even a popcorn or soda at a matinee,
not even a supply of gum for a day,
not even a medium sized balloon,
and never ever a shot at the moon.

What's it worth, these pearls of rhyme
that sing along and sing of time,
where I laugh and play and hope to stay
to laugh and play another day?

Sixty days to be exact,
and you're just in time.
There's a tour leaving tomorrow,
a 60 day experience for about six
and a half cents a day.
What a deal.

Come, let's spend the next 60 days together
exploring time being time,

and if you like,
bring a friend.

I assure you, it'll be
thought provoking,
and enjoyable;

and remember,
your comfort is my concern.









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