Tour of Time Through Time

                                                                                                                                                  An Ethereal Voyage

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                         Tour of Time
                      is 60 timely views
on time.

                 You receive one daily
              in your e-mail box for 60 days.            

    Join me as we dissect time with the mind of a scientist,
  adorn time with the sensuality of an artist
feel time as the human beings we are.

    Let our separate times mingle
         for two months
                as we tour
                      the different faces of time.

                              We'll feel e-mails tick tocking their way,
                                    glimpsing our mysterious time.

               We'll peer our conceptual/perceptual
                    realities of time,
                      viewing time's development from infancy
                       to the unknown maturity of human time.

                       We'll view time
from within and out,
                       seeing how we and time
                      depend on each other for existence. 

                                      As the 60 grains of e-mail 
                                float their way through cyber-space,
                       our minds will be at work.
                 Or shall we call it play?



This is deep stuff,
but not only high philosophy and deep reality.
It’s mostly style.

                           It's words that sing,
                            words that ring,
                              words that march in platoon.

                                   Words that shine
                                      in your mind,
                                        words that dance
                                          with the moon, the moon,
                                            the moon, the moon.


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Ahhh, you've stumbled into my private office, a cubby hole of ones and zeroes. I'm pleased to meet you. My name is Paul Greenberg, and I'll be your guide.

If this side of the road makes you ill-at-ease, try the other. Your comfort is my concern.

Tour of Time had a short life around 2000 with three tours, six months apart on the equinox.

Back then it was manual labor, with me sending out emails daily. It's now automated, and tours leave daily. Although Tour of time Through Time is no longer tied to the equinox, it's still tied to the day. Emails are sent daily at 3 am Eastern time.

Feel free to preview a few days of the tour. You could also listen to sounds of time, or inspect the timely musings of others. There is also a nice listing of links to other sites about time.

your comfort is my concern.

See you on the tour.    

         Until then,

                 Take time


Join a tour here.

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